On 20-24 August, Cosmetics Europe will participate in the 10th Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC-10). The Congress, which will take place in Seattle, USA, is a cutting edge scientific meeting, during which the latest technologies for reduction and replacement of animals and innovations in approaches to ethics, animal welfare and public policy will be discussed.
Cosmetics Europe and its Members will contribute to WC-10 with as many as 9 oral presentations and 12 poster presentations during both the main programme and the Cosmetics Europe dedicated session.
In Cosmetics Europe dedicated session titled Integrated Approaches in Safety Assessments: A Journey from Exposure to Testing, we will focus on our experience in Alternatives to Animal Testing and the very important advances that we have been involved in the field of bioavailability, skins sensitisation & eye irritation testing strategies that are in the regulatory acceptance pipeline at the OECD.
The CE session will take place on 22 August and will be moderated by Horst Wenck, Chair of CE Strategic Research Committee and Vice President Front-End Innovation at Beiersdorf and will comprise the following interventions and poster presentations:
- Better understanding of bioavailability of cosmetic ingredients: Results from Cosmetics Europe skin bioavailability project by A. Schepky
- Cosmetics Europe Assessment of Non-Animal Approaches for Predicting Skin Sensitization by M. Klaric
- Cosmetics Europe Eye Programme: Relevance to Integrated Approaches on Testing and Assessment for Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation by P. McNamee
In the main programme, the posters and presentations cover genotoxcitiy, toxicokinetics & exposure, systemic toxicity / toxicodynamics, skin sensitisation and ocular toxicity. The following talks and posters will be presented:
- 3D Skin Comet assay: Genotoxicity assessment addressing the dermal route of exposure by S. Hoffmann (poster presentation)
- Validation and application of the 3D human reconstructed skin micronucleus assay (RSMN) using the EpiDerm by S. Pfuhler (poster presentation)
- The HET-MN (Hen´s Egg Test for Micronucleus-Induction): Promising pre-validation study by B. Desprez (poster presentation)
- Use of newly validated 3D reconstructed human skin genotoxicity assays and hen’s egg test micronucleus in testing strategies improve predictions in safety assessments of cosmetic ingredients by R. Fautz (poster presentation)
- Bridging the gap from external to internal exposure: use of in silico, PBPK and in vitro methods to predict the biokinetics of topically applied cosmetics ingredients by M. Klaric (poster presentation)
- Comparison of In Vitro Metabolism Models for Cosmetics Relevant for Prediction of Skin Absorption and Toxicity by D. Lange (oral presentation)
- Testing Strategies for UN GHS Classification for Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation of Chemicals: Cosmetics Europe Analysis by N. Alépée (poster presentation)
- Cosmetics Europe Analysis of the Robustness of Testing Strategies for UN GHS Classification for Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation of Chemicals by N. Alépée (oral presentation)
- The importance of understanding physico-chemical properties of chemicals in the evaluation of serious eye damage/eye irritation: Cosmetic Europe analysis by B. Desprez (poster presentation)
- Safety assessment of topical ingredients- a case study by N. Alépée on behalf of R. Taalman (oral presentation)
- Development of a Repeated Dose Toxicity Mode of Action – Based Ontology by B. Desprez (oral presentation)
- Exploring the value of new approach methodologies in read-across: the parabens as a collaborative EU-ToxRisk – Cosmetics Europe case study by G. Ouedraogo (oral presentation)
- Lessons from Read-Across Case Studies for Repeated-Dose Toxicity by C. Mahony (poster presentation)
- Safety Assessment for Cosmetics by R. Taalman (oral presentation)
- Cosmetics Europe Long Range Science Strategy for Non-Animal-Based Safety Assessments by B. Desprez (poster presentation)