Hybrid Event At “the Square”, Brussels & From your computer !
How can EPAA help the successful implementation of the EU chemical strategy for sustainability?
The annual Science Symposium, which will be held virtually for 2021, attracts more than 300 industry leaders and decision-makers. The robust program offers the industry a chance to learn, network, and engage with colleagues and speakers on game-chang...
Cosmetics Europe Long Range Science Strategy (LRSS) and Concawe are soliciting proposals for “Developing a Persistence Assessment Tool (PAT) for P assessment under REACH”. Please see the attached Request for Proposals and Project Proposal Form fo...
Preliminary Agenda Welcome coffee: 10.00 – 10.30 Welcome by DGK/IKW Dr. Jens Burfeindt, IKW, Frankfurt 10.30 – 10.35 – NGRA – Introduction into the topic Martina Klaric/Dr. Rob Taalman, Cosmetics Europe, Brussels 10.30 – 10.45 – N...
This year the annual meeting of BelTox will be organized as a joint event together with IC-3Rs and INVITROM, and will take place on 21st November 2019 at the Health Campus (buildings A and Basic-Fit) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Jette, ...
This two days hands-on training hosted by Epithelix will cover practical use of respiratory in vitro 3D tissues and exposure devices to evaluate acute and repeated dose inhalation toxicity. To mimic systemic context, interconnection strategies of lun...
The course is a two-day laboratory workshop. Participants will learn cell handling of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. This training instructs the attendee in best practice procedure for assay preparation of cryopreserved hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyt...
The course will introduce the use of models relevant for cosmetic ingredients, addressing properties like mutagenicity (Ames test and micronucleus), skin sensitizations, NOAEL, and others for human toxicity. The course will address hazard and exposur...
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling plays a crucial role in next generation (non-animal) risk evaluations to inform the design of in vitro studies and to convert the data obtained with in vitro models into human dose−response or ...
55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology The Finnish Society of Toxicology (FST) is excited about organizing the congress EUROTOX 2019 in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The congress will take place from September 8th to 11th. The venu...
On June 26-27, 2019 scientists from SCCS, cosmetic and fragrance companies held a hands-on workshop on risk assessment for skin allergy, in Brussels. Scientists were dermatologists, toxicologists, and risk assessors. The workshop aimed at exploring t...
The upcoming ICCA LRI Workshop June 19-20 in Stresa will include discussion of read across, exposures assessments, and research areas to focus on improving the ways we evaluate safety of complex substances such as natural products, UVCBs etc.
This two day hands-on training hosted by Philip Morris in Neuchatel R&D facility will cover experimental and computational approaches for dosimetry calculations pertaining to in vitro aerosol exposure systems for particles and vapors. Furthermore...
The JRC’s EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL-ECVAM), is organising a Summer School on May 21-24, 2019 at the JRC Ispra site in Italy. The “JRC Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science: Challenges and Fut...
In-silico approaches for estimation of human health toxicological endpoints are a topic of increasing interest. To address this need, Fraunhofer ITEM is cooperating with RIVM (The Netherlands), offering a two-day training course on this topic at Frau...
The Society of Toxicology, SOT 2019 will be held in Baltimore, Maryland between 10 – 14 March 2019. Founded in 1961, the Society of Toxicology (SOT) is a professional and scholarly organization of scientists from academic institutions, governme...
From 12-15 Feb. 2019, the EU-ToxRisk project will hold its 5th General Assembly (GA) meeting, together with its 2nd Industry Stakeholders Meeting. Similar to the previous GA meeting, this year’s edition will also take place in Egmond aan Zee (N...
The training and knowledge-sharing workshop “Applying non-animal strategies for assessing skin sensitization” will take place on 7-8 February 2019, in Helsinki, Finland. It is organized by Cefic-LRI, EPAA and IFRA Europe.
In collaboration with Unilever, the NC3Rs is hosting a two-day workshop in central London on 10-11 December 2018. This workshop will bring together academic and industry researchers across disciplines to share their knowledge and experiences in apply...
Cosmetics Europe is organising a Science Workshop November 13th in Brussels. It is by invitation only. This Workshop will focus on use of alternatives for regulatory decision making and is a follow-up of a session we had at our Science conference las...
Cosmetics Europe held a Science Workshop on November 13th in Brussels. The workshop was organised to engage in discussions with experts from industry and regulatory bodies to facilitate the regulatory use and acceptance of alternative methods. The fo...
Jochen Kuehnl, who manages Beiersdorf’s experimental toxicology lab in Hamburg, Ger¬many and Martina Klaric, LRSS project manager at Cosmetics Europe share their hands-on insights on the first cosmetics project to compare two exposure routes i...
#EUROTOX2018 is taking place this week in #Brussels and @CosmeticsEur will be participating actively! Join our team tomorrow during the poster sessions and during the session "5 years after the ban" that will be chaired by Rob Taalman, Scie...
LRSS participated to the second Joint BfR-RIVM workshop on the validation and regulatory acceptance of innovative 3R approaches in regulatory toxicology. Find out more details on this workshop on the RIVM website https://www.rivm.nl/en/Documents_and_...
Cosmetics Europe is excited to announce that it is establishing a new Long Range Science Strategy (LRSS) Research Consortium to cover the time period 2016-2020. The objective of the LRSS collaboration is to ensure the continued development of AAT-bas...
The 53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology will be held in Bratislava from 10-13 September 2017. The programme includes 30 symposia and workshops highlighting the novel findings in the field of toxicology and also features four poster ...
On 20-24 August, Cosmetics Europe will participate in the 10th Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC-10). The Congress, which will take place in Seattle, USA, is a cutting edge scientific meeting, during which the latest te...
On February 2th 2017, Cosmetics Europe hosted a second workshop on the development of a repeated dose toxicity (RDT) ontology. This workshop with participation from external experts was building on previous activities in the field by ECETOC and CEFIC...
The second LRSS workshop has taken place on 2 and 3 June in the Cosmetics Europe offices with the attendance of 31 participants from the member companies, academia, research institutes and CROs. The aim of the workshop was to define the individual wo...
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